C hurches sometimes come across as rather all about the money
H onoring the wrong things and making religion out to be something slummy
U psetting as this may be, not all of them are bad
R especting true faith .. there are many that make me glad
C oming from all walks, and never bearing the same face
H elping others find their freedom by realizing his .. Gods grace
W hen I was younger still, I thought I'd never find the one
I figured they were all the same, and that my faith was truly done
T hen came a Church with reason, purpose, and desire
H olding on to precious values, and with such uplift .. they help inspire
O ne after another, they greet and say "What's up!"
U nprecedented love, and they don't leave you a half empty cup
T his is what I was searching for, a place to really belong
L oving God side by side with people whose love for him is STRONG
I 've made so many mistakes, and poor moves in my past
M aking the move to this church though .. it's like the perfect set has now been cast
I t's ..
T hings like this, their love, and a place to call your own
S triking the Devil down with their praise, and placing God in our hearts .. his home
CWL .. though I may not be there in a physical sense, my spirit rides with yall
With Renee helping me find my faith, I feel ready to drop the ball
It's a movement, and I'm riding the tide
Diving in head first and letting God take me for a ride
A journey and a script that I could never have fathomed
and bringing people into my life who I would never imagine
Now take the first Caps letter, of every line written above the dotted line
And you'll have found yourself the best Church that a person could ever find.
Church Without Limits
@the entire CWL crew!!
That was nice fam! Welcome home!
ReplyDeleteWell... hopefully I can find one too.. Hopefully they don't only exist in Canada.